Our Approach to Education

Philosophy of Classical Christian Education

Bethel American International School will educate using classical content and methods in the context of Biblical truth that develops thinking, articulate students.

These time-tested methods have been staples in Western culture and the Church since the second century emphasizing grammar, logic, and rhetoric in all subjects:

  • Grammar – the fundamental rules of each subject
  • Logic – the ordered relationship of particulars in each subject
  • Rhetoric – how the grammar and logic of each subject may be clearly expressed.

These three make up the Trivium.

The Trivium has been used by Christians to train their children for almost two thousand years. The great teachers and poets of the Middle Ages were trained in the Trivium, as were the Reformers and many of America’s founding fathers. Men who were to lead free societies in the past were trained according to this method because it teaches them how to think and how to persuade and influence others.

  • Socratic teaching, debate, subject integration, and written and oral defense all provide the mental exercise to cultivate powerful minds.
  • Students see the big picture by studying history, philosophy, literature, art, music, theology, Latin and modern language, logic and rhetoric, math and science.
  • There is an emphasis on cultivating wisdom rather than just teaching facts and skills and encouraging all students to develop a love of learning and to live up to their academic potential.
Subjects We Teach

Junior Secondary Subjects

Agricultural Science

The study of agriculture helps students to strive to develop a keen interest in agriculture and its importance; for individual, community and national development.


Art centers on human creativity. Here, the students are inspired to bring out into visuals their innermost creativity through mediums such as drawing and sculpting.

Basic Science

Basic Science gives the fundamental and basic knowledge about science. It explains the interaction between living and non-living things and their effects on man.

It is the foundation of subjects like Biology, Physics and Chemistry hence, preparing students for the core science subjects.

Business Studies

Business Studies is a social science subject that gives the students broad knowledge about different business activities and production processes to satisfy human wants.

Basic Technology

Basic Technology has in it some unique features to build a solution mentality in students, making them feel a sense of coordination and giving them the ability to effectively use all components and appliances they relate with in their environment.

Bible/Christian Religious Studies

In Bible class, we teach students the truth of God’s word and encourage them to apply it to their lives. Students read through the entire bible and memorize verses. Biblical truths are implemented into all subjects at Bethel AIS.


Civic Education is all about citizenship education which is directed at the goal of helping Nigerian youths to acquire relevant knowledge about the affairs of a politically organized society at all levels in the country.

Computer Studies

At BethelAIS, we teach our students computer so that they can develop high level computer literacy with an understanding of some basic concepts of computer and to be able to thrive in a world where everything has been digitalized.


Drama is a branch of the performing arts that enable students to perform roles to enhance their playwriting and acting skills.

English Language

English language at BethelAIS is fun to learn. We study the language by analyzing how grammar is used, applying that information to our writing, and then finding examples in literature. Our goal is to have students who speak and write eloquently.


French is one of the widely spoken European languages in the world. Learning French helps the students to learn the basics of the language.

Home Economics

Home Economics teaches students how to care for the home, themselves, children, and the environment around them. It also includes basic cooking and sewing skills.


Latin is taught at BethelAIS because it is the basis of many languages. Having a solid understanding of the basics of Latin helps students do better in English, French, or most European languages, and even helps students in science classes.


Logic is both a science and an art subject that sharpens our thoughts and help us realize why things are as they are. It is an indispensable way of obtaining knowledge more easily and efficiently.


This subject helps to build a community of thinkers. At the junior level, we teach our students to pick life’s situations and model them into mathematical equations, this will help them in problem solving.


Music is understanding how written symbols relate to the elements of music, and having the skills to interpret and translate them into sounds.

Physical and Health Education

At BethelAIS we develop our students morally, academically, and physically. The Physical and Health Education classes teach the students concepts in the classroom as well as put them into practice on the field.

Social Studies

Social Studies helps young people to develop the ability to make informed and reasonable decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an independent world.


The study of Yoruba gives the knowledge between culture and language. It gives the students the skills to construct words and the ability to apply the knowledge acquired to write and speak the language fluently.

Senior Secondary Subjects


We teach Financial Accounting in order to help students ensure appropriate accountability of all financial transactions whether material or immaterial in nature.

Agricultural Science

Agriculture is very important in our lives and for overall national development. Students learn to acquire fundamental knowledge and practical skills through the study of agricultural science.

Bible/Christian Religious Studies

We live in a world full of numerous unanswered questions and because research increases daily, some are solved while some still remain unsolved. Only the knowledge of Biblical truths can help men to proffer answers to these questions and this is what senior students in Bible class are taught.


In Biology, students are taught how and why organisms exist. Biology teaches the basis for all existing things on earth. At BethelAIS, we believe that we will make new discoveries because learning never ends.


Chemistry is a central science that deals with the composition, analysis and modification of the properties of matter. It is so deeply ingrained into so many areas of business, government and environmental management.

Civic Education

Civic Education is all about citizenship education which is directed at the goal of helping Nigerian youths to acquire relevant knowledge about the affairs of a politically organized society at all levels in the country.


Commerce gives information on how to start organizations and also how to make it relevant by the wise use of services offered by commercial institutions all over the world.

Computer Studies

At BethelAIS, we teach our students computer so that they can develop high level computer literacy with an understanding of some basic concepts of computer and to be able to thrive in a world where everything has been digitalized.


Diction deals with a speaker’s choice of words. The students are taught the basic rudiments of presenting a good speech and winning their audience’s interest.


Have you ever wondered why a little increase or decrease in prices of products affect the reaction of consumers to them? Have you wondered how this affects the producer and the economy? Answers to these questions are given by studying Economics.

English Language

At BethelAIS, English language is fun. Our students are creatively guided to speak, as well as write correctly, after a thorough analysis in a split second.

Food and Nutrition

Food and Nutrition teaches not only about the nutritional value of food, but how to prepare food without losing those nutritional ingredients. Students learn about food preservation as well as how to start a small scale business.


French is one of the widely spoken European languages in the world. Learning French helps the students to learn the basics of the language.

Further Mathematics

Further Mathematics is the gateway to research in Mathematics. It is a step further to knowing the heart of Mathematics.


Geography is the study of places and space. It answers the question of where, why and how things on earth were formed, how they differ and affect one another, and how humans affect the environment.


Government helps students to understand the institution of the state and the process of governance. This understanding encourages individuals as citizens to actively participate in the process of national development.

Literature in English

Literature is a work of art that mirrors life. The students offer this subject in order to know how to express their feelings through writing and acting and to understand what is going on around them.


Mathematics helps in logical reasoning. It is all about using the information at hand with already known facts to solve problems.


Physics is a very interesting branch of science that studies the universe and how it works. Physics is lovely because physicists look deep into nature and discover new things that make life more interesting.


Rhetoric is the art of using languages. In Rhetoric, students are taught how to use the right language to persuade or change the thinking of another person, using logically presented ideas; this could be done orally or in written form. It helps to improve the thinking faculty of students.

Technical Drawing

At BethelAIS, our Technical Drawing students are trained to be creators. We teach them the nitty-gritty of good draughtsmanship.


The study of Yoruba gives the knowledge between culture and language. It gives the students the skills to construct words and the ability to apply the knowledge acquired to write and speak the language fluently.

Catering Craft

Catering Craft is an entrepreneurial course intended to teach students about food safety, kitchen maintenance, and preparation and preservation of foods. This course gives them practical skills in these areas.

Garment Making

Garment making helps students to learn how to make both male and female clothing so that they can be entrepreneurs if they think they want to be.

Dying and Bleaching

This is an entrepreneurial course that helps students to develop entrepreneurial skills, hence making them independent particularly in the production of dyed or bleached fabrics.

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